Peregrine Falcon Guidance Note for Operatives

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Peregrines Falcon birds have been given the highest possible legal protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Traditionally found on sea cliffs and upland crags, peregrine falcons are increasingly spotted in town centres.

To prevent injury to Peregrine Falcons, the contractor delivered a Peregrine Falcon guidance note as a form of Dos and Don’ts.


  • If you come across a juvenile peregrine on the ground or any hazardous position, alert your supervisor of the bird presence and keep eye contact with the bird to prevent it from being lost on site. If possible, do not leave it alone but keep your distance.
  • Do contact your supervisor and Emergency contact if Peregrine is injured or distressed. The site contacts will review any injuries and then put the bird into a large cardboard box when they come to assist. This will also stop the bird from stressing.
  • In the event of an emergency, contact a dedicated 24hr emergency helpline


  • If you see a Peregrine sitting anywhere on the construction site, do not start work. Please alert your supervisor or security first using the provided contact details.
  • Do not try to pick the bird up under any circumstances; you may harm the bird and be hurt. Peregrine Falcons are armed with a powerful hooked beak and 15mm talons which can inflict painful injuries. An adult bird may be stressed and may dive at you. Attacks are rare but be aware.
  • Do not put yourself in harm’s way. The adults Peregrine will likely be very stressed and vocal, they may dive at you, and attacks are rare but be aware of their presence.

Footer Reference

Entry submitted by Mace

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One thought on "Peregrine Falcon Guidance Note for Operatives"

  1. Nigel Stephens says:

    We discovered a “scratch” of a potential peregrine nest site very on at our construction site within a London borough.
    We quickly halted works within the near vicinity and contacted the relevant authorities.
    Since then, we have, with the help of a visiting ecologist and the London Peregrine Partnership, monitored and recorded the development of the nest, it’s eggs and the subsequent hatchings.
    We had to implement changes to the contract and programming to ensure that the birds remained undisturbed. We also had to brief site visitors, staff and operatives on the sensitivity of this unusual nest site on a window box planter on a high-rise development.
    We are pleased to report that all of the eggs hatched successfully and that all fledglings have been raised successfully…with two of the young having now left the site. We watch avidly to ensure that the remaining juvenile is encouraged by its parents to leave the relative safety of the nest!

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