Entries by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator

Safety Boot Tags

Published 20 March 2017

In a high-risk environment like a construction site, it is essential that procedures are in place

Blue light exclusion zone initiative

Published 17 March 2017

On sites operating heavy duty machinery, it is essential that safety measures are in place to

In Case of Emergency App

Published 13 March 2017

A sound health and safety policy is essential on a construction site. As is having in place

Notifying residents of excavation work

Published 13 March 2017

One of the common complaints against utility companies is that they have to excavate into recently

Providing Local Walk Guides to Workers

Published 13 March 2017

Construction often involves long hours and working away from home, meaning operatives may not be

Safety Poster Competition for Employees’ Children

Published 13 March 2017

Everyone involved in a construction site knows how dangerous it can be, and how important it is to

Offering the site office as a homeless shelter

Published 6 March 2017

Goodwill gestures to the local community go a long way towards improving the image of the

Using Sensors to Detect Injury Risks

Published 14 February 2017

Undertaking labour-intensive work without proper health and safety precautions poses a grave risk

Floor Mounted Fire Exit Poster

Published 14 February 2017

On a construction site, safety is of paramount importance. It is vital that in case of emergency,

Fatigue Wristband for Tunnelling Workforce

Published 2 February 2017

Worker fatigue poses a potential health and safety hazard, and can be detrimental to the overall

Using Minecraft to Design a Hotel

Published 2 February 2017

Construction sites are increasingly getting involved with their community, and such activities go a

Ensuring Ethical Sourcing

Published 2 February 2017

For the construction industry to thrive, it needs to adapt to changing demands and circumstances.

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The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme