Best Practice Hub Category Definitions
To ensure that users can easily find relevant examples of best practice, entries on the Hub are categorised using the definitions below.
Project Size
Examples of best practice have been allocated to a project value which are meant to be indicative of project size, complexity and duration. The Hub team will allocate a project value to an entry but this will be by no means exclusive, and it may be worthwhile looking at other project value bands to identify relevant industry practice.
Small | Under £5M |
Medium | £5M to £50M |
Large | £50M to £100M |
Very Large | Over £100m |
Innovation and Best Practice Process
Any registered activity may submit best practices and innovations for review by the Considerate Constructors Scheme to aid collaboration and leadership across the construction industry through sharing learning and development. To find out more about the innovations and best practice scoring process, click here.
Level of Practice
A new idea, device, or method for achieving conformance with the Code, either within the Sector and/or Industry. The new idea, device or method may be completely new or a new adaptation, or new application of an existing idea, device or method applied to a different expectation. To be considered innovative and be awarded 2 points, the idea, device, or method must achieve improvement in performance leading to improved positive impact or legacy for the construction project, and the industry more widely.
Best practice
An optimal, or optimised method, technique, or device for achieving conformance with a particular expectation of the Code. The registered activity may be awarded 1 point for each best practice it submits or implements from the Best Practice Hub in a relevant project size, or where it implements its approved innovations to other sites, or where it maintains its innovation at a registered activity.
Good Practice
A method, technique or device that is positive and desirable that produces results that serve the desired outcome to an above average standard.
Duration of Practice
Quick Win
A method, technique or device that creates an improvement that is visible, has immediate benefit and can be quickly delivered after a project has begun.