The local constraints of the scheme meant that the site accommodation area could not be provided with a permanent mains power supply. As part of energy reduction initiatives the decision was taken to use low power output dehumidifier units to make the site more efficient in terms of power usage and carbon emission reduction. This would help towards the vision of constructing the new works with minimal impact on the local area.
The high-performance dehumidifiers recirculate air and physically remove moisture from it. This alleviates the need to continuously reheat incoming air. Not only that, the units convert energy taken out of the room as moisture to provide useful heat to warm the room, accelerating the drying process.
The dehumidifiers provide an efficient and cost-effective alternative to drying using heat alone. The potential energy savings are huge as every unit of energy that our dehumidifiers consumes, it will convert 2.5 times this amount to usable heat. Compared to traditional heat and ventilation energy, cost savings of 75% are not unusual.
The easiest way to explain this is that using a dehumidified drying room, there is zero (deliberate) energy exchange with the outside air. In a traditionally heated room, energy is used to heat the room, make the air full of moisture, then all this air is moved outside, and the process goes on. With the dehumidified drying room, all the energy put into the space remains within the space.
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