To tackle a reoccurring issue of obstructions getting caught in the projects water flow meters and subsequently not recording accurately, the project has procured an electromagnetic flow meter.
The measuring principle of this electromagnetic flow meter is based on Faraday’s Law. An electrode voltage is created when a conductive liquid pass through the flowmeter’s magnetic field. This eliminates any blockages of the propellers on a standard flow meter thus not accurately capturing the true water discharge rates.
In turn, this would place any project in breach of their permitted discharge conditions, as it is usually a requirement from a water service provider that discharged water volumes are recorded to ensure the licenced conditions are adhered to.
The electromagnetic flowmeter has a measuring accuracy of +/- 0.2% of the flow rate. Validated calibration of the flowmeter ensures accurate flow measurement with each Siemens flowmeter is calibrated in facilities that are individually accredited to ISO / IEC 17025.
The electromagnetic flow meter also uses low noise high resolution digital signal processors which provide continuous self-monitoring and adjustment of measurement circuits to maintain required accuracy. This means that any issues can be immediately detected and fixed straight away. The project has also opted to hard wire the meter, to prevent any accidental or unauthorised disconnections of the unit.
The project can now be confident, that they are recording their trade effluent discharge accurately and are fully compliant with their permitted discharge license conditions issued by the water service provider.
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