The A1 Leeming to Barton site team are dedicated to the health of not only of the team but the traveling public. Because of this they have teamed up with the local service station Exelby Coney Garth Service Station to offer health checks for any members of the traveling public who would like to take part.
HGV drivers are at a higher risk than most to become obese and developing health issues due to the very nature of the work involved. Because of this over 30 HGV drivers have taken advantage of the free service, with at least 10% of these being advised to attend their local GP with above average blood pressure. Leaflets and information packs together with information on a healthier lifestyle and ways to lose weight were also distributed.
This is not a one-off operation and is conducted weekly on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons.
As a result of sharing our their own best practice, the team working for Shell have also been encouraged to develop their own weight loss challenge, increasing the health and fitness of their own teams.
The scheme has received positive comments from this fresh approach to engaging with the traveling public, one HGV driver’s comment in particular made them proud of the initiative:
“I have been a lorry driver for over 30 years and I have NEVER seen this type of service at any service station in Britain”.
Monitor report. Carillion Morgan Sindall Joint Venture. North Yorkshire. August 2016
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