It is important to GRAHAM to ensure that illegal working and modern slavery issues are addressed in more than just contractual terms.
Sub-contractors are contractually required to perform all checks to ensure that they are complying with the law and with GRAHAM policies and contracts but it is also good practice to reinforce the messages at project level.
At the Murrays’ Mills project the Project Manager took the decision to remind every contractor of their obligations and to instigate spot checks at inductions to ensure that contractors on the project were compliant.
Lee Mottram, PM, issued a letter to all contractors reminding them of their legal obligations for securing proof of right to work from their workforce and drew their attention to the relevant government legislation governing the Right to Work in the UK.
The letter indicated that when they send GRAHAM the details of workforce members that require inducting at site we would give details of proposed checks and require them to ensure that the relevant people have the required proof of right to work with them at induction.
Alongside the letter a copy of the checklist that GRAHAM would use for the spot checks was provided.
The checklist that Lee issued for use at the spot checks was the same as we would use for GRAHAM members of staff as it identifies the documents needed to demonstrate that the person concerned has the Right to Work in the UK.
This works well at the Murrays’ Mills project as sub-contractors give 24 hours’ notice of new staff requiring site inductions.
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