Berkeley Homes South Quay Plaza have recently installed and commissioned a live stair case pressurisation system to ensure safe evacuation of the project workforce in the event of a fire.
This system was decided after a risk assessment showed secondary means of escape via a haki staircase would be struck prior to our maximum fire loadings and maximum capacity.
Staircase pressurisation is a common solution in the permanent state of single staircase buildings but we believe SQP are the first to install and commission it solely for construction phase.
We engage with London Fire Brigade at design stage and presented the strategy. Feedback was positive and although they have been engaged regarding the idea previously, it had never been followed through. We invited them back to site for a full review on Tuesday August 21 2018.
The staircase pressurisation system at SQP1 has been specified, designed and installed utilising the guidance provided in BS EN 12101-6. The system is intended to support the use of the single staircase during the construction phase in lieu of providing two stairs without smoke control or lobby protection.
Upon activation of the fire alarm system the staircase pressurisation fans will automatically switch on and start to pressurise the escape staircase. The system will maintain a positive pressure within the staircase to keep out any smoke from entering the staircase.
The system has been designed to maintain a positive pressure during the evacuation of personnel from the floors through the escape doors into the staircase and will remain active until the fire has been investigated and dealt with and the fire alarm reset.
Monitor Report. Berkeley Homes. South Quay Plaza. October 2018.
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