In 1989, the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust identified roadside verges in Gloucestershire that were deemed most valuable in terms of their botanical interest. Chipmans Platt roundabout was one of the areas identified with having over 16 species of wildflower, including orchids, and is classed as a lowland meadow with rich invertebrate diversity.
As part of our works, we had to install deep drainage in this area and we had to consult with an ecologist to come up with a method of working that would not commit an offence under the legislation and ensure the Conservation Road Verge (CRV) is maintained. Representatives from the Eastington Parish Council visited the site also as they were very keen to be reassured that the working methods would not have any detrimental effect to the area.
The main points of the method statement were:
Pre Construction
- The footprint of the works should be established prior to works commencing
- The ecologist will deliver a ‘toolbox talk’ to all site operatives
- Photos to be taken and kept for evidence of conformity
- Identify storage areas
During Construction
- No vehicles to be parked or driven over CRV area
- Turfs stripped and laid out on terrain adjacent to works area and watered twice daily
- All other excavated material to be kept separate and stored on protective sheet to prevent cross contamination
- Reinstate turfs into original location to prevent cross contamination and spread of weeds
- Reinstated turfs to be watered in to allow the soil to settle
In addition to the above, we employed a specialist company to harvest seeds from the area to ensure we can re-seed areas if required.
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