The Graham Farrans Joint Venture (GFJV) attended a Careers Fair inside a local prison with over 168 inmates who are getting released over the next year. The team collected CVs and gave positive and inspiring advice on the skills required to obtain jobs in the construction sector.
Recent statistics have shown that with employment, re-offending can be reduced by 30%. With this in mind, the GFJV committed to aiding the rehabilitation of ex-offenders working with the Criminal Justice System to provide employment opportunities.
The following statement was made:
“Thank you so much for your support in attending our first Jobs Fair yesterday. The inmates have expressed their sincere gratitude and have asked me to pass this on to you. As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time in their lives and self-esteem can be at all time low. The hope and opportunities that were offered yesterday goes a long way to helping the guys to plan a positive and working future on release.“
Following from the careers fair, GFJV invited ten men from EXTERN Works to the A6 Dualling Scheme for a Careers Talk and Site Tour. EXTERN Works support people who are unemployed and who may come from a disadvantaged background including those with previous or current offending backgrounds, homelessness, learning disabilities or poor mental health.
The men involved with EXTERN Works were keen to take part in the site visit, with one saying that it was:
“A great opportunity and fantastic to see the willingness of such a large company opening their doors to offer employment to those who find it harder.”
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