We are committed to maintaining a productive and most importantly, safe workplace. In managing large geographical areas of the strategic road network involving busy transportation pathways and working next to high speed traffic, we must ensure that the safety of the workforce and the public is always of utmost concern, and that our workforce all round awareness is always as close to 100%.
Any degree of impairment is considered a serious threat to safety, health, productivity and the environment. Therefore, if there is any reason to believe an employee is unfit for work due to the use of drugs or alcohol, ‘with cause’ testing can be carried out. In addition, we carry out random testing, as well as new employee and subcontractor screening.
We also provide information on the topic of drugs and alcohol by educating the workforce through Brake, a humanitarian road safety charity whose aim is to achieve greater safety on the road through campaigns and initiatives.
We maintain important awareness and promote regular reminders to our workforce using the resources provided by professional organisations dedicated to the issue and its risks. Drugs and alcohol pose a danger to all works in the industry but it is crucial to ensure the highest safety standards when working in and around the high speed road network.
We have also found that the focus on this area coupled with a programme of health related activities, has provided important secondary benefits in improved general health and welfare of employees.
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