
A list of entries tagged with Drugs and alcohol

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CASE STUDY: Robertson – Mandatory Drugs and Alcohol Testing

Published 10 January 2024 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Health risk assessments and monitoring Induction and training Random substance testing Substance dependence cessation

The construction sector has encountered many challenges in relation to recreational drug use, which has become more prevalent since the pandemic and is impacting health and wellbeing across wider society. Robertson Group have developed a video which highlights what they have done to improve Drugs and Alcohol testing on their sites and the support they need to tackle this major…

Alcohol Policy Template

Published 27 March 2023 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesRandom substance testing Substance dependence cessation

Many sites have implemented an Alcohol Policy to ensure all operatives on site are not under the influence of alcohol and therefore are fit to work. Alcohol testing might be implemented where appropriate to further encourage this positive culture of safety consideration. For sites that do not have their own company policy in place, the Scheme has included an alcohol…

Spotlight on… posters

Published 17 October 2022 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesCarbon reduction Display CCS registration materials Mental health Modern slavery training Random substance testing Signage

Spotlight on… posters have been designed for general display in and around site welfare facilities. The Scheme has developed a collection of A3 posters from the series of ‘Spotlight on…’ learning toolkits. This resource has proven valuable for display on site and raising awareness amongst the workforce and visitors. To purchase these products, click here. To download a free electronic…

Fingerprint Drug Testing

Published 18 November 2020 | Written by Tom Hook
CategoriesRandom substance testing

The project team are deploying a revolutionary fingerprint drug testing system. The Intelligent Fingerprinting test detects drug use in around 10 minutes by collecting and analysing tiny traces of fingerprint sweat, and is used to support the random drug testing of all employees from directors to labourers. The fingerprint drug testing system is used to enforce contractual drug usage policy…

Anti-Drug Campaign

Published 17 February 2020 | Written by David Taylor
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Following a project safety stand down at the beginning of the year, and regular drug and alcohol testing carried out on site, the team have engaged with the workforce on an anti-drug campaign. A drugs and alcohol testing specialist has joined the site in carrying out regular testing and delivering presentations to the workforce in order to highlight the issues…

Demonstrations of Brake Reaction Testing and ‘Beer Goggles’ to Simulate Impaired Driving

Published 15 October 2019 | Written by Nicholas O'Connell
CategoriesCoaching for unsafe actions Positive reinforcement for good safety practices Substance dependence cessation

To further promote safety for vulnerable road users in line with CLOCS, as well as promoting employee safety, a member of Kildare County Council held a road safety and drink awareness talk onsite. Discussing issues and giving role-play demonstrations such as: Managing Driving for Work Alcohol consumption effects Local accident hotspots Speed limits in the regional area Impaired vision due…

Fingerprint Drugs Testing

Published 8 July 2019 | Written by Kiu Tran
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Lendlease have started trialling portable fingerprint based drugs testing equipment at their Elephant Park Development. Intelligent Fingerprinting is a fingerprint based system that checks for evidence of recent drugs misuse. The team at Elephant Park is trialling the fingerprint testing system in conjunction with the random drug screenings and in for-cause cases. To find out more, click the link below.

Supporting Men’s Health Week

Published 17 June 2019 | Written by Sinead Gorman
CategoriesHealth risk assessments and monitoring Mental health

A full site stand down took place so that a tool box talk discussion could take place on the key issues around men’s health to mark Men’s Health week. The following key points were discussed: A waist size of over 37 inches can have serious health implications for the heart, lungs, blood pressure etc. No more than 14 units of…

Alcohol Testing

Published 28 May 2019 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Mitnija UK Ltd have recognised that anyone on a construction site with alcohol in their system may pose a risk to themselves and others, therefore they have put in place a zero-tolerance alcohol policy. To ensure the effectiveness of this policy, before starting work each morning, everyone must measure their blood alcohol level by breathing into an automated breath alcohol…

Charitable Donations

Published 8 April 2019 | Written by Stuart Partlow
CategoriesSupport for local charities

Simons Group uses a mobile app to record the Don’t Walk Bys (DWB) on each project. As part of this initiative the Chairman offered a charitable donation of £1.00 per DWB. Each project are given the opportunity to choose a local charity. The Circle Health Birmingham project chose a local charity Aquarius – The Grow Project, which is situated next…

Pre-Employment Drugs and Alcohol Testing

Published 8 October 2018 | Written by Tamzin Balmer
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Illegal drug use and alcohol abuse is a social issue and in a highly hazard environment, such as construction, the effects can have a significant impact on safety. Strong policies and robust testing regimes are required to ensure that the effects of such use and abuse do not pose a risk to safety of people working on our construction sites….

Alcohol Awareness

Published 6 September 2018 | Written by Jodie Francis
CategoriesSubstance dependence cessation Wellbeing events

To tie in with the update of the Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade held an interactive Alcohol Awareness Event. This included a presentation consisting of: Calorie Consumption, Contractual Requirements, Unit Awareness and the Consequences of Alcohol Abuse. Several games with prizes were played to highlight the reason for the Drug and Alcohol Policy including: ‘Guess the Units’…

Interview Workshops for Women Returning to Work

Published 6 August 2018 | Written by Denise Southard
CategoriesCommunity engagement Disadvantaged and minority groups support Promoting construction as a career choice Support for careers advice

We hosted an Interview Workshop for women returners who have been out of work for a long period of time at SHAK Community Centre on the Ainsworth Estate, Kilburn London The women have passed interpersonal skills and CV writing course at South Hampstead And Kilburn Community Centre but were worried about going for interviews. We liaised with the Facilities Manager…

Mandatory Drug Testing of Safety Critical Workers

Published 16 May 2018 | Written by Jane Elder
CategoriesRandom substance testing

In order to ensure the safety of everyone on site, Robertson are carrying out Drug and Alcohol testing on all Safety Critical workers at induction, this is in addition to the random drug testing which will still take place. There are a number of safety critical workers who will undertake testing including, all mobile plant operators, those carrying out tasks…

Equipping Gatemen with Breathalysers

Published 7 May 2017 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesRandom substance testing

Contractors must be vigilant against the presence of drugs and alcohol on site, as it is in the interests of everyone on site to remain safe. This can be a particular problem with drivers, as a driver under the influence poses a grave risk to the local community. See the examples below for how one site addressed this: As the gateman…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme