Public conflict especially with traffic management and vital road closures to perform site works is a long-standing problem. Policy, methodology, and training have been introduced for this significant workforce safety hazard. There has even been a national campaign regarding this issue and there has also been a government petition raised to change the law to ask highways workers to be afforded the same level of protection against abuse as emergency workers.
This solution reduces the interface between traffic management workers and members of the public who may have the intention to cause harm or wish to have conflict or force entry. Working in an area known for its antisocial behaviour, and a very traffic sensitive site, this contractor needed a solution to keep their workforce away from any of this interface at the critical closure point times. The Instaboom barrier was used alongside the usual staggered traffic cone airlock system but added a further control to enable access for site deliveries by remote control at a safe distance.
This system is cost effective when compared to other traditional traffic management options that were investigated for the site. The system is also fully collapsible and portable and requires minimal training.
The barrier extends to accommodate various widths from a cycleway to a full lane width of 3.65 metres and can be rapidly installed by one person in seconds and is solar powered so provides environmental benefits.
Monitor Report. Tarmac Trading. Midlands. August 2021.
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