At Murraywood Construction we take the health of our employees seriously, encouraging all to undertake the health screening that is provided on a yearly basis, but we also recognise that good health is not only physical.
The World Health Organisation defines mental health as ‘a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises their abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and are able to contribute to their community’. Unfortunately, many people suffer from poor mental health which affects their overall wellbeing, including their physical health and their ability to cope with day-to-day life.
As a company, we asked our employees to volunteer if they would like to be trained as a Mental Health First Aider. As mental health is a sensitive subject for a lot of people, we wanted to ensure that our employees were comfortable doing the course. The training will be rolled out over the next year, allowing the staff who volunteered to become a Mental Health First Aider.
At Murraywood Construction we have trained six Mental Health First Aiders and rolled out Mental Health Awareness to Site Managers, Supervisors, and anyone that wants to learn more on the issue. Murraywood Construction Limited have ensured that all their sites have adequate information on their H & S Board regarding the issue and clear details of who to contact if they have anxiety, stress or concerns in total confidence.
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