On Tuesday 14th May 2019, ISG management at Richmond-upon-Thames college (RUTC) organised a special event to take place on site for the benefit of the subcontractor operatives and supervisors. The event in question was a visit from ‘Mental Health UK’, and the aim was to give a presentation to the workforce about the dangers of stress in the workplace. The event proved to be popular, with over 40 site operatives and members of the ISG team in attendance.
Mental Health UK has been supporting people affected by mental health problems for over 40 years. They work across the UK, bringing together experts from four national mental health charities to improve understanding and provide vital care. ISG have recently partnered up with Mental Health UK in order to raise awareness about stress in the workplace. The vision of the partnership is that ISG can raise £300,000 for Mental health UK to cover a three-year period. ISG will help build a network of 200 support groups along with supporting 11,000 people a year.
Mental health UK will engage with the ISG workforce and stakeholders to ensure that the company eliminates stress out of the workplace. ISG are positioned as a leader of its sector creating a change in mental health across the industry. The introduction of the ‘I’m all Ears’ and ‘Step by Step’ signature activities will be run over time to build recognition across the construction sector.
ISG would like to thank Kenza Dairi from Mental health UK for attending site to portray the vital information about stress in the workplace, she explained the causes of stress and the importance of not keeping it to yourself along with techniques for lowering stress at work.
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