Initiatives could be introduced to raise awareness and focus on specific road user issues, i.e. road safety week.
To ensure the safe movement of vehicles and plant on and around site, speed limits should be in place, alongside a banksman available to supervise entrance and exit from site, if necessary.
Specific safety measures should be demonstrated towards vulnerable road users, for example children, the elderly, or disabled members of the community.
Examples of how sites have considered the safe movement of vehicles and plant include:
- A formal policy, entitled ‘Vulnerable Road Users’, was rolled out across every aspect of the contractor’s supply chain, as it affected their activities in and around all of their sites;
- Banksmen and traffic marshals at site entrances were supplied with ‘lollipop warning signs’ to warn traffic and pedestrians;
- Marshals, banksmen and others working with, or close to, moving plant were provided with helmet devices which, activated by equipment installed on plant, vibrated, to warn the user that a moving vehicle was close to them and that they may be at risk;
- A one way circulation system was adopted within the site, to keep workers and visitors safe;
- In an effort to help reduce, promote and make drivers further aware of the risks posed by HGV drivers on the roads around construction sites, a leaflet was produced in addition to company details issued to all suppliers with maps and routes. These leaflets had slogans such as ‘Think’ ‘Look Out For Us’, with children, cyclists, parent and child triangle symbols on one side with injury and fatality statistics prompts for pedestrians, children and cyclists UK and worldwide on the reverse.
- A contractor encouraged suppliers to fit vehicles with side bars, proximity sensors, CCTV and extra side mirrors, to help eliminate blind spots;
- Signs were attached to the back of company vehicles warning cyclists and pedestrians to wait until it was safe to pass.
Monitor Report, Galliford Try Partnerships Central, West Midlands, July 2014 Monitor Report, Speller Metcalfe Malvern Ltd, Worchester, November 2014
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