In 2014-15, HGVs were involved in 25% of pedestrian fatalities and 60% of cyclist fatalities. The long term impacts from Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter (PM10), of which a large proportion comes from HGVs, are the cause for over 9,000 deaths each year in London.
Negative impacts can often occur when loading facilities are either poorly designed or can only be used during specific hours e.g.10:00 – 15:00hrs. These impacts include; HGVs obstructing traffic flows often with engines idling or being sent on repeated ‘holding loops’ around nearby roads. These practices can also cause delay to projects, increased costs and driver stress.
TfL has sought to reduce these practices by guiding developers with designs that improve vulnerable road user safety, reduce congestion levels and associated pollution whilst maintaining an efficient process.
- Situation Faced – Placing constraints on a contractor as to where and when they can load materials can delay projects. Any carriageway intervention, if not carefully designed can cause detrimental impacts.
- Actions taken – Through careful planning, there are often opportunities to redesign the road layout to increase loading times whilst minimising the impacts.
- Timescales – design assessments take up to 30 days to approve. Remedial work timescales depend on the works required. Suspension of kerbside controls require a Traffic Regulation Order approx. 8 weeks to set up & a design Safety audit approx. 4 weeks.
TfL will work closely with the developer and all impacted stakeholders (including cycling groups and bus operators) to assess and utilise any spare carriageway capacity and ensure a balance is met.
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