Following on from the Spotlight on… plastics and packaging learning toolkit and given the current climate emergency, along with the m coverage of the climate strikes and Greta Thunberg’s iconic speech at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York last week, BCR decided to look into carbon offsetting through tree planting schemes and we came across Offset Earth.
Offset Earth are set up to help companies offset their carbon emissions, they remove more greenhouse gases than we produce therefore reducing our carbon footprint. Through Offest Earth, BCR have planted mangroves in Madagascar in a bid to reforest and avoid the ecological collapse.
Upon joining you are given updates, identification numbers and locations of the trees planted, along with information on other initiatives from across the globe. These include providing wind power to Madhya Pradesh districts in India creating sustainable energy to around 350 homes, repairing damaged water boreholes in Malawi and most recently the Santa Marta landfill gas capture in Chile which involves flaring and generating electricity from the methane gas produced in the landfill.
All projects are gold standard certified ensuring that we are taking a step in the right direction and we get to see the results.
We at BCR have been continuously recording and analysing our environmental data and now we want to be able to share Offset Earth to other like minded businesses within the construction industry. Let’s make construction a better industry to be in both now and for our younger generations. Take a look at the linked website for helpful tips and tree planting happiness!
To find out more, click the link below.
Entry submitted by Barlow Construction & Renovation Ltd.
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