On The Broadway project, we have appointed our own union representative to work alongside the contractors onsite, as without representation at workplace level, there would be no-one to act as the link between members, the employer and the union. There would also be no-one to organise, represent and negotiate on behalf of people in the workplace.
Some of the things union representatives get involved in include:
- Recruiting members into the union and organising events about workplace issues
- Talking to members about workplace issues, advising them and keeping them informed of the latest developments
- Representing members who have problems
- Connect the workplace with the wider union
- Negotiate with the employer
Our union representative delivers all of the building inductions for the project and talks about his role as a union representative and how he is available to assist when required. Our representative meets regularly with the employer and managers (both formally and informally) to get to know them – this is useful when planning how to take up an issue or in planning improvements in pay, terms and conditions. He also communicates with all representatives in the Broadway project on many occasions where we can act together, and he publicises our successes, which reminds our contractors and employees of their responsibilities as well as encouraging more people to join the union.
This is a first for Multiplex and it has been accepted by all appointed staff and contractors who encourage their staff to meet the union representative as often as required.
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