Site Access Traffic Marshals (SATMs) stationed at the site entrance are the primary and critical interface between the site, fleet operations and the public. They ensure only authorised vehicles and people enter the site, while also ensuring vehicles entering and leaving the site do so safely and efficiently.
Competent SATMs are recognised by progressive contractors as essential members of the team as they improve site efficiency and productivity. SATMs should be equipped with specific skills, attitudes, and have the confidence to effectively implement the necessary systems, processes and checks at the gate.
CLOCS has developed a standardised Site Access Traffic Marshal training pack, available under licence, for those who want to become approved to provide formal, accredited SATM training, underpinned by the national CLOCS Standard.
CLOCS launched Site Access Traffic Marshall (SATM) accreditation early last year and has a number of contractors and training providers licenced to deliver this vital training across the country with over 500 individuals trained and assessed in 12 months.
This new CLOCS SATM trainer pack will provide consistency in the training delivery across the sector and provides a robust competency assessment to ensure everyone has sufficient skills and knowledge to undertake this important role. Attendance on a CLOCS one-day Train the Trainer course to learn how to deliver the material is mandatory for anyone wishing to become an approved trainer of CLOCS SATM, and includes a practical exercise involving an HGV vehicle on live roads into the training centre.
To find out more, click the link below.
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