St George, TFL & O’Neil and Brennan have been working closely throughout the year continuously aiming to improve aspects all over site.
Their latest collaboration is, workforce champions. The project they are working on is a 6-phase project, split over 22 acres which means the workforce is spread across the site, however they do not want any of their colleagues who may feel slightly detached, to feel any less valued.
They want the traffic marshals, who are an imperative part to ensuring the site continues to run and who are relied upon to deliver this project, to feel part of the site team and feel championed in their roles.
Grand Union marshals attended TFL’s Elite Marshal presentations which includes getting to know a little more about the attendees for example other jobs they had done, hobbies and passions. This highlighted a variety of skills, knowledge and interests within the team. They then discussed how they could utilise these attributes within their existing roles.
The concept of e staff through a variety of champion roles was put to the St George senior management team who embraced the opportunity immediately.
They chose five champion roles that encompassed the identified interests.
- Crime & Security champion
- Cultivation champion
- Community and Disability access
- Environmental champion
- Mental Health & Wellbeing champion
David Austin & Naomi Waterworth from Grand Union in partnership with Michael Barratt MBE & Vivek Vijayakumar from TfL, interviewed candidates and each presented the role they were aiming for. Presentations specific to the champions’ field of expertise covered- why this topic is important to them, how important is this for St George, how the impact and changes will help, what ideas do you have to help promote the role.
After a few days deliberating the champions had been chosen. TFL and Grand Union are currently providing training sessions to the Champions to help aid their role. The training is tailored to suit each champion role and is not static. They aim to provide training throughout Phase 1 of the project and continue this collaboration through more phases. We hope to continue this approach as the site progresses and other roles may be created.
Each role involves daily and weekly tasks to include in their main duties on site to aid their learning and improve the image of the development
Champions feels passionately about their chosen topic and its great to see the workforce getting involved in continuously improving Grand Union.
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