This major concrete pour was successfully completed over the weekend of 29th November 2019 with minimal disruption to the network, no reported safety issues and 16 hours ahead of schedule. 533 lorries delivered 4000m3 of concrete non-stop over 31 hours from 7pm on Friday until 2am on Sunday.
TfL’s Network Management Team worked meticulously with main contractor Multiplex to:
- Agree additional pit lanes to hold concrete lorries for local staging to minimise lorry movements and reduce harmful emissions.
- Secure provision of a temporary cycle lane which reduced the risks posed by the continuous stream of concrete lorries and significantly improved cyclists’ safety.
- Agree robust marshalling strategy to safely and efficiently manage lorry movements and prioritise safety of vulnerable road users (40% Marshals attended Elite Marshal Course).
- Promote early adoption of TfL’s Direct Vision Standards – London Concrete agreed to use as many low cab lorries as possible as part of the operation.
- Ensure Equality Impact Assessments in place to protect and maintain safe access for disabled people.
Multiplex utilised TfL’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which included: Method Statements (Multiplex and their Sub-Contractors prepared a method statement covering the above activities and on-site concrete pumping), and toolbox talks (there were planned toolbox talks to take place the week prior to the concrete pour to highlight and make all operatives/supervisors aware of the potential hazards that they can possibly face when working through the night).
The potential hazards in and around the Vauxhall vicinity that were highlighted include:
- Local gangs
- Late closing night clubs
- Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Recommendations to travel to and from work with colleagues and never alone during night shifts
Operatives’ Welfare: Multiplex take the welfare of the operatives seriously and health and safety is paramount on all of our projects. Due to the long hours and working overnight, Multiplex have the following plans in place:
- Regular breaks with relief operatives in place to cover these and toilet breaks
- No one is allowed to work over 12 hours
- No one is allowed to work over 14 days without a ‘rest day’.
- Routine checks on operatives to check on fatigue
Equality Impact Assessment: under the guidance of TfL, Multiplex have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment of the site and the surrounding pavements with a view to evaluating any possible discrimination against those with existing or potential inequalities. Multiplex can confirm that the walkways around the site are fully accessible for those of all abilities and will remain so throughout the activities involved in the raft pour. The walkways are wide, well-lit and kept litter free with ramps used wherever there is a step to navigate. The operation will be closely monitored by traffic marshals and Multiplex staff throughout works to ensure accessibility.
Vision Zero: Multiplex are promoters of ‘Vision Zero’, a plan headed up by TFL, to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries on London’s transport network by 2041. Multiplex are champions of ‘FORS’ and all concrete vehicles are up to the Gold or Silver standard and no deliveries are accepted without a minimum of Silver. There is a maximum five miles per hour speed limit on site for all vehicles, who are ‘banked’ throughout the project by fully trained traffic marshals. London concrete have agreed to use as many low cab lorries as possible throughout the works.
Back Up Plan (in case of breakdowns): there are eight concrete pumps in operation, with a reserve pump on standby if needed. London Concrete have ‘holding areas’ at the batcher plant for the lorries, so as to not congest the site or surrounding areas. AKT (structural engineers) representatives are on call, if required for any design issues
Duration: this MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorised officials from Multiplex and will remain in effect for the three day pour period, currently scheduled for Friday 29th, Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December. For any requirements thereafter, Multiplex and TFL will review on case by case basis.
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