Crowd Sourced Time Lapse Camera

One of the main focuses for the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust, is to get Wentworth Woodhouse on the map. During our school visits and career talks around the surrounding areas, it is overwhelming the number of people who have never heard of the iconic building. We wanted to help change that and get people visiting Wentworth.

We wanted to create a way for everyone to be involved with the project and boost the stately home’s social media presence. We came up with the idea of a crowd sourced time lapse camera, for people on the rooftop tours to take a snap shot in time at a specific location and upload it to social media with the #LoveConstruction and #WentUpWorthIt hashtags.

This is beneficial in four ways:

  1. It captures the progress of the project in a cost effective way.
  2. It engages people with social media and #loveconstruction.
  3. It promotes the tours and project to the public.
  4. It creates a legacy for the Wentworth House Trust.

At the end of the project, a time-lapse video will be created using software that will pick out the photos from social media. We have also worked with the volunteer guides to brief them about the camera to encourage the public to get involved.

This not only allows everyone be part of the history of the building and the progress through this project, but all gets Wentworth Woodhouse into the wider social media streams.

Footer Reference

Entry submitted by Robert Woodhead

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