Delivery drivers should be kept up to date with relevant information on the site they are attending.
Specific localised issues should be identified and communicated to delivery drivers, to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists within the community.
If possible, delivery routes and times should be agreed at the start of the project.
Some initiatives that have already proven successful include:
- An online delivery booking service enabled suppliers to check when delivery slots were available and to book an appropriate date and time. Printed confirmation was sent out confirming route directions and contact numbers;
- Deliveries were avoided at school pick up and drop off times;
Delivery drivers were asked to contact the site when they were close, so that appropriate measures could be taken to allow wagon access to the site, thereby minimising traffic delays;
A number of sites have issued a ‘driver’s flyer’ to all delivery drivers with relevant project details, site rules and an on-site traffic plan;
Delivery drivers were informed of the environmental and sustainability policy by traffic marshals on their arrival;
- Clear map information was developed to identify safe routes and highlight cyclist danger hotspots on local roads. These were displayed at the site entrance on hoardings and handed out to all delivery drivers to ensure a greater awareness of the dangers and issues to cyclists and pedestrians in the locality.
When a project has come to completion, the contractor can rest assured that they have left the neighbourhood on a good note, which impacts on their public relations and potentially on future job allocation.
Monitor Report, John Sisk & Son Ltd, Reading, November 2014.
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