The School of Civil and Building Engineering have used plans and drawings of the STEMLab project and have integrated it as a piece of coursework for the First Year Construction Engineering and Management students. The students were shown a live BIM model of the building along with numerous plans and BIM information – this is the first time it has been introduced within the university.
Henry Brothers have aided the university with the introduction of BIM and students have been given full inclusion of the project from inception to completion. An initial presentation was given to introduce the project to the students, which covered the purpose of BIM and its uses throughout the project. By allowing students to have a first-hand experience of BIM we are able to walk them through the process and help them develop their knowledge of the project and the process of completion, all while allowing them to complete their academic studies.
The use of BIM has been integrated into the university’s academic assignments, with Architectural Engineering and Design management students completing coursework surrounding the program. Henry Brothers helped the university with the delivery of this assignment, with Site Manager Chris Hill meeting with students to talk over the use of BIM on the project.
Henry Brothers are showing the students new construction tools that they will use once they graduate and join the construction industry. By presenting talks regarding BIM’s use on projects, Henry Brothers are able to have a collaborative approach to inform students and lecturers of the new construction requirement.
Entry submitted by Henry Brothers Ltd.
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