The school noted to the project team that their energy bills were really high for the newer section (approx. 10 years old) of the existing school and that they were having problems with the Building Management System (BMS). As a favour the senior building services manager spent some time with them in reviewing why this could be which included:
• Reviewing the BMS system
• Reviewing their years electrical utility bill
• Review the general schools systems
The utility bill had been broken down into half hourly periods. These showed that the building was actually using a baseline of approx. 18KWh all of the time. This was in excess of what was expected and due to its constant nature showed there was a clear issue that was adding up to a considerable sum of money. The following items were found as a contributing factor:
- The BMS controller was not functioning so the BMS could not be interrogated but it was clear this was the main bulk of the issue. It was the summer holiday period but pumps and the Air Source Heat Pumps were running.
- Having walked the building it was also found the following which were clearly adding to the wasted energy
- Changing room vent running
- Toilet Vent running
- Some kitchen/canteen ventilation systems running
- Broken room stats calling for heat
Where they could the project team shut the plant down to replicate holiday mode and then went through the O&M manuals to find the BMS installer contact details and recommend the school arrange a visit and quote for a new BMS controller.
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