Common Sense Self Defence led an informative and action-packed session for all female staff across the project whether site based, working from home or off-site.
This was implemented as the final part of the contractors 3-part plan for women’s wellbeing as their team returns to site, which has included focuses on period dignity and domestic violence prevention.
The instructor began by teaching participants about the importance of recognising their own personal space. The session then proceeded to focus their learning on the basic defensive stance, how to set up your guard and how to respond when challenged. This included trusting their initiative, how to look for an exit-strategy in a situation and finally how to find “your voice/shout.”
The interactive session taught some basic self-defence moves and the team left with lots of tips, techniques and recommendations regarding practicing their hip swivels, being aware of their environment, trusting their gut and knowing they can always take some action even when they seem to be helpless.
Whilst not every woman was able to attend the session live, this session was recorded, making it accessible and convenient to rewatch allowing women to practice the techniques at their own pace.
The contractor felt this was especially important in the wake of the tragic attack on Sarah Everatt locally and PCSO Julia James and hope this will promote confidence and security for their female staff.
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