We are supporting One Love Soup Kitchen in Southend. They are using our site premises as a soup kitchen to help the homeless and most vulnerable people of Southend. The soup kitchen is open every Thursday between 5:30pm and 9pm.
The soup kitchen has access to our canteens, drying rooms, toilets, showers, washing machine and tumble dryer.
One Love Soup Kitchen do fantastic work in Southend using local volunteers to prepare meals and provide clothing and outreach programmes to those less fortunate and we are very excited to be able to support them and all the good work they do. We have also set up a textile recycling centre on the south elevation near the pedestrian entrance which accepts donations of clothing, curtains and bed linen.
So far the soup kitchen has been very successful, we have approximately 25-30 street sleepers that attend every week. One of our homeless attendees hadn’t had a shower in over two whole months until he attended our soup kitchen!
By attending our soup kitchen the homeless are not only fed but showered, shaved, hair trimmed, feet sorted, clothes washed & dried and generally just a little bit of a fuss made of.
Some of these people suffer daily struggles that a lot of us cannot imagine and thanks to One Love Soup Kitchen and the use of our site premises we can offer services that ease their pressures even if it’s just a little. It’s all made worthwhile when you see the smiles and receive the thank yous. The work that One Love Soup kitchen do is so great that even our Hollybrook staff are volunteering each week!
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