London is in breach of European legal limits for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), and many areas exceed the safe limits for Particulate Matter (PM) set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Pollution is a contributing factor in shortening the life expectancy of Londoners and disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable. Approximately 9,500 deaths occur each year due to the illnesses caused by long-term exposure to air pollution.
According to The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), cyclists are less likely to be involved in a collision with an HGV than a car but when they are, they are more likely to be killed or seriously injured. More pedestrians are killed or injured casualties in collisions with HGVs than cyclists
In 2015, 107 pedal cyclists and 186 pedestrians were killed or seriously injured on British roads in accidents involving at least one HGV. HGVs were involved in 25% of pedestrian fatalities and almost 60% of cyclist fatalities.
It is therefore important to reduce the need for HGVs as much as possible on all road networks. Recycling demolition arising is one method that can assist.
There are opportunities to reuse demolition arising on site (rather than removing) such as crushed concrete (6f2) for piling mats. Transport for London (TfL) is keen to encourage and support this method and works closely with all impacted stakeholders to mitigate any concerns including noise and dust suppression techniques. However, this tends to be on a site by site basis and will require specific measures to support crushing on site e.g. dust and noise suppression
The Network Management Directorate at TfL has calculated the marginal cost of removing an HGV off the road network which equates to £3.81 per km.
This sum can be used to show road network cost savings when HGV management strategies are incorporated on London’s road network. However, this is a reserved figure and could be used as a base for the majority of cities around the UK.
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