
A list of entries tagged with Plastics and Packaging

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Say No to Single Use Plastic

Published 23 April 2018 | Written by Jeremy Bayliss
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

Did you know that by 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight? As an environmentally savvy company, we pride ourselves on being green and innovative in the reduction of the carbon footprint. At Clearly Renovations, we have decided to follow the national scheme on abolishing single-use plastic bottles in our offices and on our sites. We…

Reusable Overshoes

Published 2 March 2018 | Written by Debra Howarth
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

It is estimated that the amount of plastic waste generated annually in the UK is nearly 5 million tonnes, with the UK Government challenging this in their 25 year plan for the environment and the European strategy for plastics in a circular economy. To play our part in combatting this current environmental issue, the Sisk Team on the Blossom Iron…

Hydration Campaign and Custom Water Bottles

Published 12 February 2018 | Written by Fiona Power
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

Costain Skanska JV Paddington C405 held a Winter Hydration Campaign led by the Project Director. Not many people consider hydration to be an issue during the winter months but in fact because of being outside in the cold weather our blood vessels constrict to prevent blood from flowing freely to the extremities allowing the body to preserve the heat in…

Hi-Viz Jacket with Drinks Bottle

Published 26 January 2018 | Written by john fryer
CategoriesPPE Reduced use of single use plastics

We have added a ‘Camelbak’ drinks bottle in the rear of the hi-viz for operatives so that they do not have to walk around the site looking for hydration. This is especially useful for traffic marshals who are on the go, who can quickly hydrate in the summer months, reducing the need for plastic bottles which are becoming a major problem…

Upcycling PPE

Published 18 December 2017 | Written by Stephen Penwill
CategoriesCircular economy PPE

Whilst clearing out the welfare changing rooms to remove used PPE from a previous subcontractor and make space for a new subcontractor, ten bin bags full of old PPE and clothing was collected, including hard hats, boots, hi-vis vests, coats and trousers. Instead of throwing the old PPE in the skip, it was upcycled for a new purpose in the…

Hard Hat Recycling Scheme

Published 29 November 2017 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesCircular economy Corrective action addressing waste PPE

Recycling is a key way construction sites should try to minimise their impact on the environment. Sites should try to recycle as much material as possible and work with external partners if necessary. See the examples below for how one site addressed this: Hard hats are mainly made of polypropene and should be replaced for health and safety reasons every…

Plastic Sheeting Take Back Scheme

Published 21 November 2017 | Written by Gavin Thomas
CategoriesCircular economy Reduced use of single use plastics

On our site we use floor protection products from Protec who have developed a take-back scheme that collects used proplex sheets as well as other twinwall corrugated plastic sheeting of any size, thickness and colour. They then recycle these sheets, thus providing a ‘closed loop’ solution to a potential waste product. There are just a few simple ground rules on…

Compactor and Baler to Manage Waste in a CO2 Efficient Way

Published 24 July 2017 | Written by Kathryn Weatherburn
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics Waste management

There are many different drivers to reducing and eliminating waste on construction projects. A simple way of reducing waste where possible, and significantly reducing the numbers of vehicles coming to and from site from waste removal is a compactor or baler. Cardboard and plastic waste being baled not only saves space on site, but reduces costs in skips and decreases…

Newton Waterproof Membrane Recycling Service

Published 12 May 2017 | Written by Daniel Billington
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics

By returning HDPE membrane off-cuts from site to Newton headquarters in Tonbridge via backloads, the material is then initially processed in-house. Working closely with the UK’s largest non-profit recycling organisation RECOUP in order to set up the necessary relationships with both a plastics reprocessor and an end-manufacturer who will use the recycled material. Newton is the first waterproofing materials supplier…

Managing Fit Out Waste

Published 25 November 2016 | Written by Richard Charlesworth
CategoriesEnvironmental champion Ongoing recording and evaluation of performance against plan Reduced use of single use plastics Waste management

As the Lillie Square project was evolving from superstructure and cladding towards utilising fit-out trades, the project held a ‘managing fit-out waste workshop’ with subcontractors. The purpose of the session was to help raise awareness about the importance of waste on the project and to also discuss ways in which waste could be reduced. The workshop covered a number of…

NetRegs e-learning Tools and Case Study Videos

Published 15 January 2016 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesE-learning Education Induction and training

NetRegs is a partnership between the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). They provide free environmental guidance for small and medium-sized businesses throughout Northern Ireland and Scotland. NetRegs have also recently generated a series of e-learning tools on subjects such as: Duty of care Preventing pollution Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Renewable energy Sinks,…

Using Bulk Paint Containers to Reduce Waste

Published 6 October 2015 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesConserve of resources Monitoring and recording of resource usage

Throughout any construction project, it is essential that contractors give careful consideration to how their work may be impacting on the natural environment. Reducing waste through re-use or recycling is vitally important. Sites should also consider other initiatives to avoid waste. Examples of how waste reduction has been achieved include: The site used a system of bulk paint containers; Paint was delivered…

Recyclable Plastic Hoarding

Published 6 May 2015 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesMaintenance of hoarding and fences Reduced use of single use plastics

Sites should be conscious of the impact their project is having on the environment. In order to limit the negative impact, the waste produced on site should be reduced and recycled. Measures to reduce waste should be identified and implemented on site. Below is an example of how sites have achieved this, using recyclable hoardings: Hoarding was constructed using a recyclable…

World Environment Day

Published 20 April 2015 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesProtect the local environment

World Environment Day (WED) is the biggest, most globally celebrated day for positive environmental action coordinated by the United Nations (UN). The first WED was held in 1974 and was created to encourage worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. Each year, the theme and host country for WED is different, with the 2019 theme being air pollution and…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme