Bee Department on Site

The project team discovered a hive of local bees had built their home in the site’s steelwork. Understanding the importance of bees to the environment and their role as vital pollinators, the team quickly contacted the local Beekeepers Association for assistance.

Recent research shows that bees are in serious decline in the UK and globally. In the UK, we have already lost around 13 species and another 35 are currently at risk.

The Beekeepers Association performed a site assessment, during which they devised a plan to safely relocate and protect the bees. Instead of moving them off-site, the team came up with a creative solution: they established the ‘Bee Department’ right on site. This allowed the bees to remain in their familiar surroundings whilst ensuring their continued safety and wellbeing.

The site team now takes care of the beehive, ensuring they are well-fed every two weeks.

Instead of relocating or destroying the hive, the solution enhances biodiversity, actively supports vital pollinators, safeguards the bees and also saves the costly relocation process.

Footer Reference

Information provided by Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd

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