A Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) is an important tool for planners, developers and those working in the construction industry.
Having a CLP will help to reduce the impact construction traffic has on local communities in relation to congestion, pollution and noise.
A good plan will not only benefit the environment but also reduce costs as this promotes efficient working practices and a reduction in the number of deliveries.
Transport for London (TfL) have developed a guidance document for creating an effective CLP that will support sustainable construction practices in London.
There are two types of CLPs that are required to be submitted, which are:
- An outline CLP – This should give an overview of the expected logistics activity during the construction project and is usually submitted earlier in the planning process during pre-application discussions.
- A detailed CLP – This should provide the planning authority with the detail of the logistics activity expected during the construction project and is submitted at a later date than the outline version.
This guidance document will assist those looking to write an effective outline and detailed CLP as well as explaining in further detail the difference between the two.
To view the Construction Logistics Plan Guidance as well as template documents and the planning tool, please click on the buttons below.
CLP Guidance CLP template Outline CLP example CLP Planning tool
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