This contractors environmental policy states their commitment to minimising the impact of their activities on climate change and the communities in which they work. Each division implements ISO 14001 environmental management systems to ensure that they protect the environment; reduce waste and energy consumption; source construction materials responsibly; minimise disturbance; and train their employees and subcontractors on environmental issues and controls.
Their supplemental timber policy requires procurement from sustainable sources as well as a contribution to The Woodland Project.
Their carbon emissions data is independently verified by supply chain risk management company Achilles and they are working with their supply chain to help them disclose their own emissions.
They have set up a ‘waste desk’, a central facility to help divisions manage waste more effectively, for example, providing access to waste liaison officers and leading waste reporting systems.
Minimising their environmental impact increases their ability to win work and attract talented employees. The Group’s key environmental impact is through carbon emissions and waste they produce.
Their sustainable water policy states their commitment to monitoring their use of water where they can, improving efficiency of use and eliminating wastage. The water policy sets out key activities for 2021 to 2022 including measuring water use, encouraging employees and clients to use water efficiently and incorporating sustainable drainage systems on projects.
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