Traffic Marshal duties at construction sites tend to focus on the management of HGVs. The Development Impact Team at TfL has surveyed these methods and identified opportunities to enhance activity.
As frontline personnel, marshals are in a good position to observe and report potentially unsafe or inefficient activities. These include; poorly managed HGVs or traffic management layouts, bad driver behaviours (speeds or aggressive driving) or the more serious issues relating to identifying criminal and terrorist activities. Such outputs negatively impact the environment and put the safety and security of London’s communities at risk.
Understanding what to look out for and what the potential outcomes are when not mitigated is key to ensuring a quality process is maintained. To help address these issues, TfL and its Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Focus Desk (CTFD) have been running joint presentations to help improve construction standards at some of London’s major development sites.
The topics covered included raising the awareness of:
- The negative environmental impacts from construction methodology and how this can affect health.
- The impacts affecting vulnerable road users from poorly managed construction activities.
- The impacts on less able bodied people from poorly designed traffic management or site layouts.
- How poor site design can increase the potential for crime and disorder.
- The threat to national security, hostile reconnaissance and counter terrorism.
To find out more, click the link below.
Entry submitted by Transport for London.
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