At Borras, we were looking for ideas to better engage with students within the schools that we work in. We touched upon the idea of developing an Environmental Workshop where the children could learn about how the construction industry is working towards sustainable development goals via a series of fun and hands-on learning activities.
We have now developed a series of workshops and resources that include a “Save our Green and Blue Planet” workbook, which is full of information and games based on pollinators, plastics and sustainable development, a “life without bees” fact sheet, and a series of task sheets where children can learn how to make either a Bee Hotel, Hedgehog Home or Bug Hideaway! Materials are easily sourced, often from waste materials from our local projects.
Once the students have gone through the “Save our Green and Blue Planet” workbook, they choose a task sheet. Guided by our site team, each task sheet gives a step by step guide to making a hotel, home or hideaway! Students then plant wildflower seeds (from Borras branded seed packs) making the link between plants, pollinators and predators.
The activities are fun and encourage learning about our natural world as well as developing skills around team work, communication and building! The schools can choose the workshop that best suits their environment, for example, Bee Hotels don’t take a lot of space so schools with limited grounds would generally choose that activity.
We offer our workshops to schools in or near to our construction sites and are now taking them out to the wider public at local events, recently attending a school fete where we had a stall making bee hotels!
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