The ‘Ready for The Gate’ programme run by Willmott Dixon Cobham LCO, offers young offenders the opportunity to gain their CSCS cards, while they’re still serving their sentence. From the Woodmansterne Secondary School site team, a number of Willmott Dixon personnel are directly involved.
The feedback from charities, Re-offending and CXK, on the outcomes of delivered training up to August 2017 have been hugely positive and the results speak for themselves, with a 0% re-offending rate from the 38 inmates trained. This is a pivotal rate considering the national average re-offending rate of 57%. Of the 38 inmates trained, 12 were aged under 25, and successfully secured employment with Willmott Dixon supply chain partners. The social impact delivered was £4.4 million.
With the ‘Ready for The Gate’ programme structured in six stages, there is strong direct support from Willmott Dixon at each stage. Firstly, HMP Elmley identifies the appropriate candidates from the feeder ‘Steps to the Gate’ programme. Following this, Willmott Dixon delivers the 2 day CITB H&S Training and facilitates the CSCS test, by providing resources and staff to HMP Elmley. Lastly, successful candidates have an opportunity to attend an employment event at HMP Elmley with Willlmott Dixon and their Supply Chain Partners in attendance. In addition, ‘Through the Gate’ support is provided to facilitate the transition from prison to employment.
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