Despite putting a range of controls in place to influence driver behaviours, the project continued to be challenged with speeding, periodic erratic driving and the associated consequences (needless noise increases, endangering pedestrians, dust creation, generating poor perceptions, spillages of concrete and concrete washout etc.).
With a steady trend of transgressions and ever increasing volumes of site traffic, the project was finding it consistently challenging to pinpoint the offending parties with 100% confidence which would allow us to investigate and take appropriate actions. Offences would often be reported after the event and with an average of 150 entry/exit movements using up to 30 different suppliers, action had to be taken.
In partnership with Clipfine Logistics, the project has developed the iTrack system. This is a GPS locator based system which provides the following functions and benefits:
- Monitoring the speed limit compliance (5mph), location and driving style of the vehicle in real time.
- Exceeding the speed limit for over 3 seconds triggers an email alert to the logistics teams. This presents an opportunity to tackle any issue at the source before the vehicle leaves site and to also report this to the offending company.
- If the driver drives aggressively braking hard and accelerating abruptly, notification will be sent to the logistics teams.
- The tracker also helps to locate any vehicle whilst on site and can show a history of movements.
The system is being used within site (i.e. gate to gate) though there is functionality that will allow us expand the coverage wider in the future.
Entry submitted by Mace.
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