At Mace, we launched our ‘Time To Act’ campaign on plastics in 2018. We have company-wide focuses for elimination, reduction, trialling alternatives, and sharing our successes with our other projects to replicate.
As part of our construction focus we developed a ‘plastics scorecard’. This is a checklist with a number of prerequisites, along with many additional options for plastic reduction in site offices, canteens, welfare facilities, site activities, and a space to include any initiatives.
Some of the prerequisites include provision of re-usable coffee cups or water bottles, no plastic cups or plastic food packaging, waste data clearly showing plastics disposed of from site and implementation of closed loop schemes.
Additional options suggested include plastic-free stationary, bathroom products, construction products as well as awareness and education initiatives. All completed items on the checklist must be evidenced and are assessed through a QA process.
Construction projects can work towards completing this checklist, and when enough points are awarded, and the checklist has been through QA, the project can achieve a point which contributes towards their monthly project sustainability score, contributing to healthy competition between sites. A certificate is also being developed for sites to showcase their achievement and ensure they maintain the standard which will be re-audited every six months.
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Fantastic initiative!