In order to set the highest standards in environmental monitoring and awareness, the E03 project has bought, installed and used two Aeroqual dust sentry real-time monitors. These PM10 dust monitors offer continuous, long-term monitoring in all conditions with notification emails being sent automatically, should the set limits be exceeded at any point during the construction stage (200μg/m3 as a 15 minute mean). The limits were set after an Independent Specialist Consultant carried out a baseline survey immediately after Sisk had taken control of the E03 site area. Recorded information can be accessed through the Sonitus Systems online platform, where detailed charts of the constant readings are plotted.
In order to optimise the use and get the best results out of this system, the E03 project team has developed a site specific Air Quality Management Plan, which is an addendum to the existing environmental plan. The Air Quality Management Plan, specifically addresses the potential disturbance to both residential and commercial neighbouring receptors found within a 200m radius of the site’s exit, with outlined mitigation measures to be employed in order to reduce this impact. To ideally position the two dust monitors, the prevailing wind direction across the site was determined from nearby weather station and the sentries were installed in line with the identified prevailing wind route.
The dust sentries weigh approximately 13kg, making them remote and easy to fix onto the preferred position. They have a one minute recording interval, giving a very clear picture of the daily dust exposure. The results recorded by the sentries give a clear indication of when dust levels were elevated, and allows the site team to react with the use of the most appropriate of the set mitigation measures. The key subcontractor operatives (groundworks, frame construction and traffic marshals) have been briefed on the importance of retaining the air quality during construction and are fully aware of the means to supress and mitigate dust should there be a need.
- Accurate, real-time and long-term dust/particle
- Opportunity to be immediately reactive should the set limits be
- Remote system that uses minimum
- No need to service or maintain with filter
- Recorded data can be accessed by local
- Change in site conditions
- Consideration of dust arising from neighbouring construction
- Cross-check recorded data of both sentries in case of limit
Monitor Report. John Sisk & Sons Ltd. London. May 2019.
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