John Sisk has a local charity partner, Mancunian Way, who help local young adults to stay safe as well as combat homelessness in the area. As the organisation continues to grow, we have engaged in various activities to further help them develop.
Late last year, two very brave members of our staff (Jade Meyrick and Jake Martin) undertook a sponsored sky dive to raise money for Mancunian Way. Almost £1500 was raised from this event!
Mancunian Way have recently purchased an additional outreach vehicle to use on the streets to engage young people, deter them away from crime, and offer them advice and guidance. To make the vehicle as user friendly as possible, it needed to be kitted out in the back so that young people can sit down and relax. On this occasion, our very own Senior Project Manager, Steve Dingley stepped forward and arranged for Sheen Projects in Wakefield to do the charity a favour and complete the work for free. The quality of the work was very high with a special focus on durability. A big thanks to Richard Sheen of Sheen Projects and Steve Dingley for helping with this!
On another occasion, the charity mentioned in conversation that they were about to purchase four laptops for their Community Centre in Salford, we put a ‘shout out’ to our subcontractors and partners to see if anyone had any laptops they did not require any more.
Mark Smith from Billington Structures Ltd came back almost immediately with an offer of several laptops. Not four, but 11 fully working laptops with Windows 10 installed were delivered to Mancunian Way on the 23rd October 2019.
A great result which saved the charity over £2,000… many thanks to Mark and Billington Structures!
Nick Buckley, CEO of Mancunian Way said: “It continues to amaze me how Sisk and their partners continually come up with new ways to support us and the work we do. One day they are raising money for us with a raffle, then organising the kit out of our new van, to now facilitating our IT needs!”
This is a great example of how we can help a small charity perform better, and in return they improve the communities where we live and work.
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