
A list of entries tagged with Coronavirus

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Contact Tracing Sensor

Published 14 December 2020 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesHealth risk assessments and monitoring

This site has around 1000 operatives onsite with the majority of them involved in fit out work. Whilst ‘large bubble’ working has been introduced for the separate buildings the site is vulnerable to a positive test causing a substantial proportion of the workforce to have to self-isolate on what is a government deemed key project. Therefore the site has purchased…

Workforce App for Site Entry and Exit

Published 30 November 2020 | Written by Leanna Martin
CategoriesControlled access

The site have adapted the site entrance and exit to a biometric contactless entry to and from site, via use of the M Site Workforce App. The App is downloaded onto individuals mobile phones and is a live method of finding out who is on and off site. The method reduces the need to touch shared surfaces (ie fingerscan) which…

Virtual Work Experience

Published 10 November 2020 | Written by Joline Hubers
CategoriesPromoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

The site has been involved in helping to set up a virtual school so work experience can be undertaken online. This is due to the fact that school visits/work experience for students on site is currently not allowed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The online work experience will allow Year 10-13 students the opportunity to find out more about careers…

Using a 3D Printer to Produce Adjustable Straps for Face Masks

Published 2 November 2020 | Written by Jack Endean

A 3D printer was used to produce 600 adjustable straps to permit the wearing of normal ear strap face masks to be worn by NHS staff, without the need to wear behind ears so removing the potential irritation and soreness. Positive in two ways firstly it allows existing PPE to be worn rather than be disposed of, and secondly it…

Digital Safe Counters for Successful Social Distancing

Published 26 October 2020 | Written by Olivia Hack

With coronavirus protection at the forefront of everyone’s mind and ensuring the project remains both safe, and compliant with government guidelines, the project team have worked with the security team to install an automated head counter into the drying/changing rooms. A large project subsequently means a large workforce and keeping everyone on site safe is a priority. A sensor is…

Multilingual Social Distancing Poster

Published 19 October 2020 | Written by Emma Mills
CategoriesEnglish not as first language support

Stepnell’s site team identified two key issues that they needed to address with regard to getting the key coronavirus social distancing message over to their workforce. Firstly, the fact that a large minority of their workforce’s first language wasn’t English. Secondly, how do you easily visualise what 2m looks like? The site manager suggested that a poster would be the…

H-Wash Handwash Stations

Published 19 October 2020 | Written by Emma Ward
CategoriesCleaning and maintenance regime

We needed to make the workplace safe after the coronavirus outbreak. We wanted to give the workforce plenty of opportunity, out on site, to wash their hands, kill germs and protect themselves. The H-Wash hand wash system was the ideal solution as it is a portable self-contained unit which requires no plumbing or electrics and can be installed anywhere on…

Room Occupancy Monitoring

Published 12 October 2020 | Written by Andy Packwood
CategoriesCleaning and maintenance regime Suitable/accessible separate facilities

What is it? The Room Occupancy Monitoring system counts how many people enter the room through the ‘in’ door and how many people exit through the ‘out’ door. The system keeps track of the room occupancy level against the set room capacity. The system has a display at the entrance to the room showing level of occupancy in the room…

Adult Resuscitation Kit

Published 29 September 2020 | Written by Ivan Conway
CategoriesFirst aid

In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, Roadbridge have recently purchased adult resuscitation kits which are positioned at the first aid points. These resuscitation kits have been purchased to protect each first aider in the case of an emergency. With the use of these kits it will eliminate the need to engage in mouth to mouth in the case of…

Think Like a Resident Signage

Published 29 September 2020 | Written by Audric Rivaud

Following an increase in complaints due to residents spending more time at home during these difficult times, the EARPS site has made a few changes to the way they deal with residents. They have done this by sharing more frequent updates but also by creating a new sign. This is to remind personnel that although they are back to work…

Virtual Stakeholders Engagement Meetings

Published 21 September 2020 | Written by Luciana Campos
CategoriesCommunity engagement Regular updates of progress Reviews and lessons learned

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Stakeholders Engagement meeting was held on Teams. Keeping people engaged and in the loop about what is happening on site has always been a priority for the project. As part of the agenda, there was a project overview, the response to coronavirus explaining the measures taken to ensure government guidelines are upheld during the…

Virtual Open Doors Week

Published 21 September 2020 | Written by Luciana Campos
CategoriesCommunity engagement Promoting construction as a career choice

Aiming to inspire young people and career changers to consider and explore a dynamic and exciting career in the construction industry, the project team based in Westminster were not discouraged by coronavirus and prepared an online site visit for its virtual attendees. This year’s Open Doors Week was disrupted by the pandemic however, the public was still able to see…

SitePodium Community App

Published 21 September 2020 | Written by Rochelle Perry
CategoriesCommunity engagement Notice board Regular updates of progress

The project team has invested in SitePodium to keep the community informed about construction activity at Triptych Bankside and to ensure the best possible relationships with local stakeholders. Benefits include: A fast and easy way of staying in touch with people interested in the project Ability to notify the community about key construction milestones and issue alerts when disruption is…

Personal and Refillable Hand Sanitisers

Published 21 September 2020 | Written by Jon Ankiewicz
CategoriesCleaning and maintenance regime

With Coronavirus infection numbers rising and wanting to ensure the safety of all those coming onto site, the Senior Office Manager at the Broadway came up with the idea of giving everyone a personal hand sanitiser that can be refilled at a station installed in canteens. This reduces the amount of smaller stations being put up around site but also…

Virtual Tours Bring Engineering into Public Homes

Published 15 September 2020 | Written by Kate Castle
CategoriesCommunity engagement Regular updates of progress

Community engagement is a major part of the Rochester Bridge Refurbishment Project, as they plan do everything possible to alert the public about disruptions and to inform and enthuse them about the engineering being carried out. This was meant to be a year of face-to-face engagement activities, with a programme of lectures and hard-hat tours for adults, supported by education…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme