
A list of entries tagged with mental health

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Mental Health First Aiders and Awareness

Published 16 April 2019 | Written by Chloe Ellis
CategoriesMental health

At Murraywood Construction we take the health of our employees seriously, encouraging all to undertake the health screening that is provided on a yearly basis, but we also recognise that good health is not only physical. The World Health Organisation defines mental health as ‘a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises their abilities, can cope with the normal…

Building Mental Health in Construction

Published 13 February 2019 | Written by Ben Leatham
CategoriesMental health

Working in the construction industry can be stressful and feel pressurised. Want to support staff but don’t know where to start? Mental Health at Work is a new online gateway, developed by Mind, with advice and resources created by and for specific industries, including construction. It’s easy to find what you need with a construction toolkit full of information and…

Mental Health Awareness

Published 28 January 2019 | Written by Amy Stockton
CategoriesFirst aid Mental health Training plans Workforce development plans

World Mental Health Day took place on 10th October 2018, with people across the globe showing their support in raising awareness for all types of mental health. On the same day, CR Civils introduced their first Mental Health First Aid Training course – with the feedback being very positive. Our Procurement Director is a committee member of The Lighthouse Construction…

Construction Industry Helpline App

Published 10 December 2018 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesAccess to health practitioners and counselling services Mental health

The Lighthouse Club Construction Industry Charity, who run the Construction Industry Helpline, launched an app  in collaboration with COINS (a construction software firm) and Building Mental Health (an online information portal about mental health, also developed by the charity). The new Construction Industry Helpline app will be a free, confidential service aimed at providing essential information and guidance on wellbeing…

Mental Health: Measuring the effectiveness of interventions

Published 13 September 2018 | Written by Jack Lawrence
CategoriesMental health

In May 2018 as part of mental health awareness week we undertook a cross sectional survey amongst staff and supply chain operatives using a self-completing questionnaire to explore the effectiveness of our approach, and interventions, events, campaigns and training around mental health offered to date. Our work is intended to eliminate stigma and discrimination through positive action, understanding and behaviours…

Building Mental Health Toolbox Talk

Published 9 May 2018 | Written by Bill Hill
CategoriesMental health Toolbox talks and daily briefings

The Lighthouse Construction Industry charity has been working with Mace, LendLease and the CITB to devise a 45 minute Toolbox Talk on Mental Health Awareness. The presentation contains 3 videos and has been developed so that companies can download it for their use and add content of their own. The presentation is fully scripted and comes with a guidance note…

Promoting Mental Health Awareness

Published 14 February 2018 | Written by Elaine Kendall
CategoriesMental health

A number of sites across our business took part in this year’s Time to Talk Day on 1st February, to support Time to Change and get people talking about mental health to help end the shame and isolation felt by those with mental health problems. Coffee mornings were held on each site, with a number of Time to Talk Day…

Recognising and Tackling Blue Monday

Published 22 January 2018 | Written by Andrew Sharp
CategoriesMental health Wellbeing events

As part of our staff wellbeing, we recognised the challenges that January can sometimes bring in terms of personal motivation for our workforce. The fun of the holiday season has faded, purse strings are tightened as pay day seems further away than usual, and as if January weather isn’t bad enough, Storm Eleanor brought more wind and rain than usual….

Stress Break Rota

Published 18 December 2017 | Written by Darren Peck
CategoriesHealth risk assessments and monitoring Mental health Rest

The project team at the Grosvenor Crescent site were under a lot of pressure to deliver a difficult project on time, budget and to a very high standard. This resulted in a few colleagues noting they may be showing signs of stress. As a result of this, the project team devised a Stress Break Rota. This entailed members of the…

How to Beat Post Holiday Blues

Published 7 November 2017 | Written by Jeremy Bayliss
CategoriesMental health Rest

There is nothing better than coming back from a holiday and having a welcoming email waiting for you in your inbox with some gentle steps to help you to settle down back into your working routine and to help you to overcome those Holiday Blues. Our welcome e-mail reads as follows: I hope you have had an amazing holiday and…

BioDot Survey to Measure Stress On Site

Published 7 November 2017 | Written by CCS Best Practice Hub Administrator
CategoriesMental health Rest

Stress can lead to or be caused by mental health problems. Monitoring of stress and taking action to reduce stress can vastly improve someone’s mental health. See the examples below for how one site addressed this: The site conducted a BioDot survey of the workforce as part of Stress Awareness Week. BioDots are a small adhesive dot placed on a…

Mental Health Awareness Coasters

Published 6 October 2017 | Written by Katy Hallatt
CategoriesCanteen Mental health

Overbury have been working with CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably) to spread the message that talking about mental health can help save lives. We have done this through the use of humorous coasters around the site canteen, offices and meeting rooms. These have proved very popular as an engaging way of getting the message across, and are discreet enough…

Beating the Mental Health Stigma

Published 12 May 2017 | Written by Fiona Power
CategoriesMental health

The project has identified mental health as a key focus for 2017. To kick off the year in a positive light, presentations on mental health awareness were delivered to the workforce as part of our safe start following the Christmas period. The presentation reiterated how to identify the symptoms of stress and fatigue and how to foster positive mental health. Following…

Mental Health at Work Matters

Published 28 March 2017 | Written by Jeremy Bayliss
CategoriesMental health

We have started a new campaign at Clearly Renovations to break the taboo of not talking about mental health and its effect on people’s lives. 1 in 4 people are affected by mental illness and suicide is still the single biggest cause of death for men under 45. Sadly, there is still some stigma around this health issue; many suffer…

Stress and Resilience Guidance

Published 9 December 2016 | Written by Tom Horton
CategoriesConsultation on health and safety Wellbeing events

During periods of change and high demand, the Costain Skanska Joint Venture building Crossrail’s Paddington Station require their staff to be resilient and proactive about maintaining their wellbeing. The workplace has a duty of care to provide an environment that not only creates formal opportunities for wellbeing discussions, but actively encourages managers to discuss levels of stress and resilience with…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme