
A list of entries tagged with The Next Generation

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School’s Play Area Built with Soil from Project’s Tunnel

Published 27 January 2022 | Written by Bobbette Watson
CategoriesLandscaping Schools and nurseries

A new artist-designed play area created from soil excavated from the high speed railway’s Chilterns Tunnel was commissioned by the contractor and opened at Rickmansworth’s Maple Cross JMI school late last year. The initiative was sparked after a Year Six pupil wrote to the contractor asking whether soil from the nearby project works could be donated to create a new…

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Published 27 January 2022 | Written by Anne Edwards
CategoriesCarbon reduction Colleges and universities Community engagement Involvement Reduced use of single use plastics Schools and nurseries

Students are playing a key role in helping to reduce the carbon footprint of this new school. The contractor is involved in consultations with students at Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust (KMAT) during the build process on issues which will help minimise the school’s impact on the planet. Ideas are discussed by the KMAT’s ‘Green Team’ and the wider student population…

Working with a School to Construct Models with Recycled Polystyrene

Published 24 January 2022 | Written by Caoimhe Barry
CategoriesSchools and nurseries

St Canice’s Primary School in Dungiven took part in a project using recycled polystyrene that the contractor donated to them. The school held class discussions and all the pupils decided to use this recycled polystyrene to construct models of the ongoing A6 construction work taking place around their town. The project really got the children’s attention, and they were all…

School-Connect: E-learning with Students

Published 20 December 2021 | Written by Geraldine McParland
CategoriesCommunity engagement Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

During the pandemic, this contractor had to think outside the box with regard to how they communicate with the communities surrounding their projects; in particular, how they engage with students. Typically this information would be shared through Career Fairs, College or site visits where students get to experience first-hand the working environment of a construction site. None of these options…

BIM Project for Civil Engineering Students

Published 9 November 2021 | Written by Bruno Tiosso
CategoriesColleges and universities

This contractor is collaborating with the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering at UCL to incorporate a BIM project into the curriculum for its second-year civil engineering students. It gives students practical, first-hand experience of the digital construction techniques used in construction and equips them with the skills they need for the modern job market. The project focuses specifically…

School Catch Up Programme

Published 9 November 2021 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesCommunity engagement Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries Support for local charities

This contractor is working with Kirkby College to provide work experience for their construction department.  With the pandemic over the last year the students will be partaking in the catch up programme which runs through the summer holidays. They have arranged for their bricklaying subcontractor to supply materials and supervision to assist the students to construct brick panels in their…

Design a Sustainable Bike Challenge

Published 4 October 2021 | Written by Yvonne Gilfillan
CategoriesColleges and universities Schools and nurseries

Whilst considering new and exciting ways to encourage young people to use bikes, this contractor had the idea of a ‘Design a Sustainable Bike for the Future Challenge’. They decided to share their thoughts will the CEO of Young Enterprise Scotland and garner their interest and support. They agreed that the challenge was sound and would make a great introduction…

Story Sacks for Local Schools and Nurseries

Published 10 August 2021 | Written by Sophia Barnes
CategoriesCommunity engagement Schools and nurseries

This contractor is running a story sack drive for local primary schools and nurseries in Lincolnshire. Story sacks consist of a sack containing a book and toys and games based upon the theme of the book. They are a resource which children can take home, read and enjoy with their family, before returning and swapping for another. The site manager…

Ribblehead Training Tool

Published 10 August 2021 | Written by Samantha Butterworth
CategoriesColleges and universities Schools and nurseries

The Ribblehead training tool has been developed to take to schools and universities with the intent of problem solving and to demonstrate how to reduce risk. The Ribblehead viaduct was an investment by Midland Railway and was designed to carry the Settle–Carlisle railway across Batty Moss in North Yorkshire. The viaduct necessitated by the challenging terrain of the route was…

Creativity in Construction

Published 2 August 2021 | Written by Catherine Waller
CategoriesCommunity engagement Schools and nurseries

This project is situated on a busy promenade, visited by families and children enjoying a day out at the beach. The contractor wanted to use this opportunity to promote the construction industry to children and came up with the creative approach of writing their very own project story. The story helps them to explain the works they are undertaking to…

Promoting Women in Construction

Published 12 July 2021 | Written by Sandra Duggan
CategoriesDisadvantaged and minority groups support Signage

This project has added posters to their hoarding that celebrates twelve of the most prominent women in construction over the years from the 1500’s to the present day. They hope to have adults and children stop and take the time to read each poster and be inspired to become the next generation of construction workers.

Teacher Information Packs

Published 5 July 2021 | Written by Jack Endean
CategoriesColleges and universities Community engagement Promoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

Schools and colleges have been impacted massively during the pandemic. They are increasingly worried about the creation of a generation of ‘lost’ students with no sense of aspiration or employment. On this project they were asked to support the Foundations client group and wider education communities suffering due to the global pandemic. After discussing the issues with the local college…

Developing the Young Workforce Careers Video

Published 5 July 2021 | Written by Kieran Doona
CategoriesCommunity engagement Schools and nurseries Support for careers advice

On this contractors project they worked with ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ in Scotland to create a short video filmed on site promoting careers in the construction industry to young people. Videos such as this will help to encourage new entrants to the construction industry and so bridge the skills shortage. Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s Youth…

Dragons Den at an Academy

Published 29 June 2021 | Written by Alex Cartwright
CategoriesPromoting construction as a career choice Schools and nurseries

The Public Liaison Officer for this contractor visited an academy to see year 8 pupils who have created their own programme to deliver to year 6’s which aims to help them feel more comfortable about the transition into high school . The year 8’s then put on a PowerPoint presentation promoting their proposed ideas of how they could make year…

Design Engineer Construct Partnership with a Secondary School

Published 21 June 2021 | Written by John Cairns
CategoriesCommunity engagement Schools and nurseries

As part of the community benefits offer for this project, the contractor have recently adopted a local academy and are supporting the school to complete the Class of Your Own Design Engineer Construct (DEC!) Programme Their Digital Technician hosted a webinar session with pupils to discuss his journey into the industry and the benefits of digital technology in construction. The…

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme