Introduction to Appropriate Conduct

Topic Progress:

This e-learning course aims to raise awareness of the importance of being professional and to explain what is considered as inappropriate language and behaviour.

The Scheme prides itself on holding values of respect, equality and professionalism. With this in mind, Monitors should adopt the same standards as part of their conduct and behaviour.

There have been a few complaints raised by sites about Monitors behaving inappropriately during site visits. Although this applies to a very small minority of Monitors, the Scheme believes this course will be beneficial to anyone representing the Scheme.

In society, there is zero tolerance towards harassment and discrimination. Using unacceptable language and behaving inappropriately can cause offence and will not be tolerated, even if the behaviour is not malicious or intentional. It is therefore important that anyone representing the Scheme is respectful and professional at all times.

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme