Recap of Main Points

Topic Progress:

This course has focused on the importance of appropriate conduct and has highlighted examples of unacceptable language and behaviour.

  • Anyone representing the Scheme is expected to be respectful and professional at all times.
  • In society, there is zero tolerance towards harassment and discrimination.
  • Even if your behaviour is not malicious, behaving in this manner might be considered offensive.
  • The Equality Act (2010) legally protects people from discrimination and applies to any individual with a protected characteristic.
  • There are four types of discrimination under The Equality Act (2010) including: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • Examples of inappropriate language and behaviour include: harassment, using terms of endearment, acting on your unconscious bias, discrimination and poor attitude.
  • The Scheme will not tolerate unacceptable behaviour, the use of inappropriate language or a poor attitude.
  • If you think you have caused offence, you should apologise immediately and contact the Scheme office to raise this issue.

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme