
Topic Progress:

To avoid offending someone, it is important to behave appropriately:

  • Read facial expressions and reactions: if someone disapproves of your behaviour, it is likely that their facial expressions will show this. It is important then to read social cues and apologise if you think you might have offended someone.
  • Do not be dismissive: some sites put a considerable amount of time and effort into preparing for site visits and expect Monitors to be engaged. Make sure you are listening to others, not interrupting anyone and not dismissing the opinions or contributions of others.
  • Do not be discriminatory: the construction industry is becoming more diverse, so it is particularly important to choose your words carefully and treat all persons with the same level of respect and dignity.
  • Be aware of any potential unconscious bias: you might have an unconscious bias towards a particular characteristic or social group, therefore it is important to ensure these biases do not affect how you treat other people.
  • Have a positive, polite attitude: all Monitors should work in a positive, constructive way and should not be rude, dismissive or discriminatory.
  • Be mindful of your behaviour: some comments can be considered sarcastic, rude or patronising, all of which can be regarded as offensive. Make sure you do not cross any boundaries and are mindful of your choice of language.

Remember, if you think you have offended someone, in the first instance you should apologise immediately and then contact the Scheme office.

The Best Practice Hub is provided by the Considerate Constructors Scheme