John Sisk and Son Ltd

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence to Monitor PPE on Site

Published 17 June 2019 | No comments
Written by Raluca Ursu
CategoriesPPE Risk assessments
John Sisk has a primary focus on health and safety across all construction sites; “Zero Incidents, Zero Injuries” is the core ethos of our site activities. With the aim to improve the H&S on our site, we have been piloting the implementation of an artificial intelligence powered image recognition system. This system is installed into an existing CCTV system that...

PM10 Real Time Dust Monitors

Published 20 February 2019 | No comments
Written by Raluca Ursu
CategoriesCarbon reduction Dust Workplace dust monitoring
In order to set the highest standards in environmental monitoring, the E03 project has bought and installed two Aeroqual dust sentry monitors. They offer continuous monitoring in all conditions with notification emails being sent automatically should the set limits be exceeded at any point (200μg/m3 as a 15 minute mean). The limits have been set after an independent specialist consultant...

Landscaping Legacy

Published 6 August 2018 | No comments
Written by Alan Cawley
CategoriesClient feedback Engage with community facilities Landscaping
As part of the PDM Plant Upgrade Project, the site team used an integrated approach with the Client areas of the site, which included additional landscaping in order to provide a meaningful legacy of the site activity. These areas included: A landscaped berm at the waste water treatment works A landscaped area including sections of wild flower seeding over an...

Lewisham Gateway Public Arts Strategy 1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5

Published 25 June 2018 | No comments
Written by Ben Katz
CategoriesCommunity consultation Community engagement
Lewisham Gateway Public Arts Strategy has been conceived to support this major regeneration development with a core objective to contribute to the renaissance of the area, working in collaboration with the design team. The removal of the roundabout on the A20 re-established vital links from the town to the railway stations and it is enhancing experience, linkage, legibility that will...

Reusable Overshoes

Published 2 March 2018 | No comments
Written by Debra Howarth
CategoriesReduced use of single use plastics
It is estimated that the amount of plastic waste generated annually in the UK is nearly 5 million tonnes, with the UK Government challenging this in their 25 year plan for the environment and the European strategy for plastics in a circular economy. To play our part in combatting this current environmental issue, the Sisk Team on the Blossom Iron...

Solar Powered Speed Signs

Published 26 September 2017 | No comments
Written by Alan Cawley
CategoriesConserve of energy Green/renewable energy
Two solar powered signs, size 660mm x 1030mm with reflective background, have been installed on site along the public road as part of one of the measures taken to slow the site traffic as part of the Traffic Management Plan (TMP). As signs are solar powered, the solar panels are located on the top of the poles which are facing...

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