Utility Protection Matting

The contractor design and site team have recently designed a new form of utility protection matting using polystyrene and protection matts in areas of known and crowded utilities to reduce the risk of cable strikes when carrying out lifting and loading activities on site.

The majority of cables have been installed in the ground to a poor and below regulation standard ie 1m below ground level. The majority of the high risk cables 42 inch water main, 275KVA power cables and 500mm sewer cables should be installed at a depth of 3-4m but in this occasion they have not been. To reduce risk the design helps spread loads from cranes, lorries and plant through the polystyrene layers to reduce impact and vibration to these live services.

This has never been done to this scale before according to the manufacturer. They have covered the entire road in this method which reduces cable strikes and utility cables from blowing under pressure.

Traditional utility protection matts are usually only one layer and timber products like bog matts are used. These products are prone to weather elements and not inspected regular which puts any loading at risk if not maintained properly.

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Information provided by Amey

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