Chiller Lift Removing Need for a Crane and Road Closure

To avoid a large crane lift which would have meant road closures and disruption to the local area, this contractor developed a method for lifting 2 2.8t chiller units on the court roof.

There is no device or design the contractor could find which was suitable for this. The original intent was for a crane lift which would have cause a lot of disruption around the city centre area and block a main arterial route for the city. The design and erection of a lifting frame whilst a longer process was considered less disruptive on the local community.

They got the idea from horses suffering with laminitis which use a cradle to lift their weight off the floor, they did the same for the chillers.

They designed and built a temporary removable lifting frame over the chiller in situ. On lifting, the old steels would be removed and replaced with a higher new steel frame and the temporary steel lifting frame removed.

Using this method, meant there was zero negative effect on local traffic or the neighbours due to a large overnight lift and traffic management, reducing noise and light pollution.

Footer Reference

Information provided by Tilbury Douglas

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