We often hear phrases along the lines that our people are our biggest asset. Whilst this statement may be true, we recognised that how we listen to our people can be a big indication of whether we take this statement seriously.
As part of our business culture where ‘developing, valuing and respecting our people’ is one of our key values, we developed and deployed our Engage for Success programme.
This programme involved a senior manager from our leadership team sitting down with each individual staff member one-to-one to discuss a series of 20 statements related to communication; recognition and reward; training and development; and job satisfaction. Lasting around 30 minutes each, this was a significant investment of time by our leadership team, but an important one.
The 20 statements were scored confidentially by individuals based on their own experiences within the business, to give us a good indication of where we were as a business when it comes to ‘developing, valuing and respecting our people’.
This enabled the leadership team to identify areas for improvement and areas of good practice. We used the information to create spider graphs to visually represent the current status and identify areas for improvements for different teams e.g. design team, construction team, project managers team.
Using this alongside individual feedback, we established a priority list of 23 management and process improvements to provide a better and safer working environment for our workforce.
We have now fully delivered 19 of these improvements, partially delivered two and are still working on two. A post programme survey showed improvements overall in 18 of the 20 areas surveyed.
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